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Start Blogging: 3 Simple Topics to write about today!

What are the first three blogs you can write for your website?

Many people get a bit nervous when they consider entering the world of ‘blogging’ or posting articles on their website. The easiest way to remove the fear is to do it… spend a ‘cup of coffee’ with your website this week and choose one of these three simple topics to write a blog post about.

Post your blog by following a simple ‘how to post a blog’ video in our library… and then do it again next week.

3 starter topics that are easily to write about:

  1. Why did you start your business? What is the passion you have for what you do? Is it new or a handoff to the next generation? Is it to serve the community? What made you begin now? and so on…
  2. What is the most frequently asked question of your services? Simply write out your own answer to the popular question, as well as reasons why someone should not consider a short-cut solution that your competition may offer. Feel free to make it helpful and not sales-ey.
  3. What was your favorite project from last year? (or month, or week) Simply tell us the story of how the customer found you, what made you excited to do it, and how it all came together. Describe the ups and downs, and the satisfaction of the final product.

So, we also figured we would ask our content expert and favorite business partner, Sally Ricker from Foxcrest Media, answers to those questions too!

Here is what Sally had to say:

SPARROW: Why did you start your business? 


I started Foxcrest Media because I saw so many business owners with great ideas and knowledge missing this component of their marketing strategy. They wanted to grow their businesses but weren’t sure how to do that through fresh, relevant website content. Many of my clients are not writers by nature but rather experts in their areas. I get to come alongside them to turn their ideas into written content that resonates with what people are searching for online. We also get to see their blogs bring in new traffic to their website and support their overall marketing strategy as super easy to share content through emails, on social media, and more. 

My business exists to support small businesses who don’t have the hands-on deck within their company for a full in-house marketing department. I get to assist them with everything from content writing and email marketing to social media, community outreach, and more. I act as a partner for all of my clients, giving insight and recommendations in all of these areas to help grow their business and connect their efforts together strategically. 

SPARROW: What is the top question you get asked? 


I often get asked where to start when it comes to blogging. What do I write about, how do I post, and how can I manage my blog long-term?

The good news for you all is that your websites are already get up to post blogs, so you don’t need to worry about the functionality of actually making this happen. 

What do you write about? I often encourage businesses to bring together their marketing and sales departments. That could include two groups of people, two individuals, or just you – wearing many hats! Sit down and ask your sales team what frequently asked questions you commonly get. Do leads know what services you offer or how your industry works? Create a list of these top FAQs and identify how you can switch them from a question into a blog post that provides the answer. For many businesses, just writing blog posts on your FAQs could last you months. 

Beyond the actual content topics, it’s important to stick to a schedule and stay consistent with your blog postings. Let your audience know when to expect new blogs and deliver accordingly. For many businesses, one blog each month is enough to stay relevant and connect with search traffic while also feeling manageable. I recommend setting aside 1 hour each month to write your blog posts. And if you keep a document of your FAQs and other topics that would make great articles, it takes the guess work out of what you should write about. 

SPARROW: What was your favorite project last year? 


Last year, I had the pleasure of working with Holly Mann at Fresh Habits to create a blog post for Susquehanna Style Magazine that was published in their November 2020 issue. The article was all Holly’s expertise, but I got to help empower Holly to produce this content. It’s so much fun for me to help clients take an idea and actually translate that into a finished product. Many clients can feel overwhelmed or unsure of where to start – which is exactly my favorite place to step in. 

Holly and I spent a few hours brainstorming topics, submitting them to the Susquehanna Style team for approval, interviewing her on the article, and writing the final piece. 

You can read the full article online here

Ok – so what are you waiting for… get started blogging on your website!

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